
亚洲音乐产业节 Asian Music Industry Festival

在2023年11月18号至20号,伯克利音乐学院中国音乐产业协会将携手伯克利音乐学院亚洲各大协会以及哈佛大学等波士顿各高校内的官方亚洲协会,共同举办本次为期三天的音乐产业盛典 – 亚洲音乐产业节。本次产业节将汇聚来自亚洲各国音乐产业领域的政策制定者,音乐厂牌主理人,杰出音乐家,艺术家,教育家等业界重要人物,共同探讨亚洲音乐产业的现在与未来。以音乐为媒介,打破文化界限,构筑跨产业交流桥梁,激发行业深度对话,搭建产业创新场域,提供产业合作平台,并一同探索音乐的无限可能。同时,产业节还将深入探讨亚洲传统音乐产业的悠久历史,探索中国、马来西亚、印度、日本、韩国、尼泊尔和泰国等国家独特的音乐遗产,庆祝亚洲流行音乐产业的惊人发展和全球影响力,井聚焦跨学科艺术领域,以及音乐、舞蹈和电影等领域的创意融合。

From November 18th to 20th, CMI will lead Asian music associations from Berklee Campus, Harvard University, Boston University, and other colleges’ Asian associations in hosting a three-day Music Industry Gala – the Asian Music Industry Festival. This festival has invited industry pioneers, policymakers from across the Asian continent, music label managers, outstanding musicians, artists, and educators to come together for discussions on the current and future prospects of the Asian music market. Music serves as the key that opens doors, fostering cross-industry communication and uniting diverse disciplines. Simultaneously, the festival will delve into the rich history of the Asian traditional music industry, exploring the musical cultures of China, Malaysia, India, Japan, Korea, Nepal, and Thailand. It will celebrate the exponential growth of Asian contemporary music and its growing global influence while also focusing on interdisciplinary arts, integrating music, dance, and film. This event promises to be a convergence of cultural heritage and innovation.



  • 行业顶尖级别的活动论坛
  • A top-tier industry even and forum
  • 50多位来自世界不同领域的顶级嘉宾
  • Over 50 distinguished guests from various field worldwide
  • 无边界融合音乐展演
  • A borderless fusion music showcase

亚洲音乐产业节主旨是什么? Why?

  • 探讨亚洲音乐产业的增长趋势、全球影响和职业机会
  • To explore the growth trends, global impact, and career opportunities in the Asian music industry
  • 探讨音乐无国界,打破文化壁垒的实践与展望
  • To discuss the practice and prospects of music transcending borders and breaking down cultural barriers
  • 探讨跨学科,跨领域的音乐多媒介全球合作机遇
  • To delve into interdisciplinary, cross-domain opportunities for global collaboration in the multimedia realm of music